Search Tips

  • Using the "*" wildcard symbol will help you further narrow your search (especially with common names). For example, if you are looking for Barbara Johnson and you are unsure of how to spell Barbara, you can type in "Barb* Johnson" or even "B* Johnson" in the search box and you will get better results than if you were to simply type in "Johnson".
  • If you are unsure of how a name is spelled, you can use the Phonetic search method. Just type out the name the way it sounds and select the "Phonetic Search" button.
  • The "*" wildcard symbol does not work with the phonetic search feature.
  • This directory only performs searches based only on names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers.
  • This directory only returns exact matches for 2 character search criteria; a minimum of 3 characters is required for all other searches.

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